Command Reference

This reference covers the commands used to control lnav. Consult the built-in help in lnav for a more detailed explanation of each command.

Note that almost all commands support TAB-completion for their arguments, so if you are in doubt as to what to type for an argument, you can double tap the TAB key to get suggestions.


The set of log messages that are displayed in the log view can be controlled with the following commands:

  • filter-in <regex> - Only display log lines that match a regex.
  • filter-out <regex> - Do not display log lines that match a regex.
  • disable-filter <regex> - Disable the given filter.
  • enable-filter <regex> - Enable the given filter.
  • delete-filter <regex> - Delete the filter.
  • set-min-log-level <level> - Only display log lines with the given log level or higher.
  • hide-lines-before <abs-time|rel-time> - Hide lines before the given time.
  • hide-lines-after <abs-time|rel-time> - Hide lines after the given time.
  • show-lines-before-and-after - Show lines that were hidden by the “hide-lines” commands.


  • mark - Bookmark the top line in the view.
  • partition-name <name> - Partition the log file around the top line in the log view and assign the given name. The top line and all that follow, up to the start of the next partition, will be included in the partition. The name of the partition for a log line is visible in the top status bar to the right of the time stamp. The partition name for a log line can be retrieved via the log_part field in any log table.
  • comment <text> - Attach a comment to the top line in the log view and bookmark that line.
  • clear-comment - Clear the comment attached to the top line in the view.
  • tag <tag1> [<tag2> … [<tagN>]] - Attach one or more tags to a log line. A ‘#’ will automatically be prepended to the tag name if it is not already there.
  • untag <tag1> [<tag2> … [<tagN>]] - Detach one or more tags from a log line.
  • delete-tags <tag1> [<tag2> … [<tagN>]] - Detach the given tags from all log lines.


  • adjust-log-time <date|relative-time> - Change the timestamps for a log file.
  • unix-time <secs-or-date> - Convert a unix-timestamp in seconds to a human-readable form or vice-versa.
  • current-time - Print the current time in human-readable form and as a unix-timestamp.


  • help - Display the built-in help text.
  • disable-word-wrap - Disable word wrapping in the log and text file views.
  • enable-word-wrap - Enable word wrapping in the log and text file views.
  • hide-fields <field-name> [<field-name2> … <field-nameN>] - Hide large log message fields by replacing them with an ellipsis. You can quickly switching between showing and hiding hidden fields using the ‘x’ hotkey.
  • show-fields <field-name> [<field-name2> … <field-nameN>] - Show previously hidden log message fields.
  • highlight <regex> - Colorize text that matches the given regex.
  • clear-highlight <regex> - Clear a previous highlight.
  • spectrogram <numeric-field> - Generate a spectrogram for a numeric log message field or SQL result column. The spectrogram view displays the range of possible values of the field on the horizontal axis and time on the vertical axis. The horizontal axis is split into buckets where each bucket counts how many log messages contained the field with a value in that range. The buckets are colored based on the count in the bucket: green means low, yellow means medium, and red means high. The exact ranges for the colors is computed automatically and displayed in the middle of the top line of the view. The minimum and maximum values for the field are displayed in the top left and right sides of the view, respectively.
  • switch-to-view <name> - Switch to the given view name (e.g. log, text, …)
  • toggle-view <name> - Toggle the display of the given view (e.g. log, text, …)
  • zoom-to <zoom-level> - Set the zoom level for the histogram view.
  • redraw - Redraw the window to correct any corruption.
  • alt-msg <msg> - Set the message to be displayed on the bottom-right of the screen. This message is typically used for help text.


  • create-logline-table <table-name> - Create an SQL table using the top line of the log view as a template. See the Extracting Data section for more information.
  • delete-logline-table <table-name> - Delete a table created by create-logline-table.
  • create-search-table <table-name> [regex] - Create an SQL table that extracts information from logs using the provided regular expression or the last search that was done. Any captures in the expression will be used as columns in the SQL table. If the capture is named, that name will be used as the column name, otherwise the column name will be of the form ‘col_N’.
  • delete-search-table <table-name> - Delete a table that was created with create-search-table.


  • append-to <file> - Append any bookmarked lines in the current view to the given file.
  • write-to <file> - Overwrite the given file with any bookmarked lines in the current view. Use ‘-‘ to write the lines to the terminal and ‘/dev/clipboard’ to write to the system clipboard.
  • write-raw-to <file> - Overwrite the given file with all the lines in the current view. Use ‘-‘ to write the lines to the terminal and ‘/dev/clipboard’ to write to the system clipboard.
  • write-csv-to <file> - Write SQL query results to the given file in CSV format. Use ‘-‘ to write the lines to the terminal and ‘/dev/clipboard’ to write to the system clipboard.
  • write-json-to <file> - Write SQL query results to the given file in JSON format. Use ‘-‘ to write the lines to the terminal and ‘/dev/clipboard’ to write to the system clipboard..
  • pipe-to <shell-cmd> - Pipe the bookmarked lines in the current view to a shell command and open the output in lnav.
  • pipe-line-to <shell-cmd> - Pipe the top line in the current view to a shell command and open the output in lnav.
  • redirect-to [path] - If a path is given, all output from commands, like “:echo” and when writing to stdout (e.g. :write-to -), will be sent to the given file. If no path is specified, the current redirect will be cleared and output will be captured as it was before the redirect was done.


  • echo [-n] <msg> - Display the given message in the command prompt. Useful for scripts to display messages to the user. The ‘-n’ option leaves out the new line at the end of the message.
  • eval <cmd> - Evaluate the given command or SQL query after performing environment variable substitution. The argument to eval must start with a colon, semi-colon, or pipe character to signify whether the argument is a command, SQL query, or a script to be executed, respectively.
  • quit - Quit lnav. Alternatively, ‘:q’ can be used as an alias for ‘quit’.


  • config <option> - Get the current value of a configuration option.
  • config <option> <value> - Set the value of a configuration option.
  • reset-config <option> - Reset a configuration option to the default.
  • save-config - Save the current configuration to ~/.lnav/config.json.

The following options are available:

  • /ui/clock-format - Specifies the date-time format of the clock in the top-left corner of the UI. The format conversion specifiers are the same as in strftime(3).
  • /ui/dim-text - Reduce the brightness of text. This setting can be useful when running in an xterm where the white color is very bright.
  • /ui/default-colors - Use default terminal background and foreground colors instead of black and white for all text coloring. This setting can be useful when transparent background or alternate color theme terminal is used.


The following commands can be disabled by setting the LNAVSECURE environment variable before executing the lnav binary:

  • open
  • pipe-to
  • pipe-line-to
  • write-*-to

This makes it easier to run lnav in restricted environments without the risk of privilege escalation.